Thursday, January 18, 2007

To those very special gals. you lighted up my day in school.
I thought I was lucky the first semester when I met two persons who I connected with, but this last year has been even more amazing. partly because I got to study my all-time favourite subject but for the most time it was because of you. sounds really cheesy and mushy I know, but right now I’m having a case of severe separation anxiety. we will see each other again of course. but it will never be quite the same. maybe that’s a good thing. who knows. all I know right now is that I will miss you terribly. and I hope you will have fun without me (but not to much)
love ya

and just so you know, if you are reading this, I will count on you to tell me all the gossip and to keep up the good work as the proud musketeers I know you are :o)

always remember: no pulling of the pants. no pinching of the butt.


Sara said...

Uh, I'm getting all teary-eyed here darling.

I really know what you mean. The school stuff is really nice, but the best part is actually the wonderful company that you two are. This has been the best study time for me, ever.

You're the world for me honeys!

Always: pulling of the pants and pinching of the ass!

Love, Sara

Anonymous said...

Uhhh :( Im getting sad to! I will miss you lots! But ofcourse we will see each other! and have fun...hihi stenkan is soon you know!

Love you! Caroline

And yes pulling of the pants and pinching of the ass is something we have to do :P

Ellen said...

hjälp vad ni är interna :)