Saturday, November 08, 2008

Obama won. yay!
looks like we have hope after all. and now his daughters can finally get the puppy they've been dreaming off. voila everybody's happy :) I really liked this election, especially since it was over about two hours before all the votes were counted. me likey why do I like Obama so much? in his candidate statement he has a lot of good things to say *crosses fingers that he will keep them* such as: "men and women receive equal pay for equal work" "all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care" "make college affordable for anyone who wants to go" and the big one that will affect those not living in the US: "end the war in Iraq responsibly" and lock down loose nuclear weapons"

like I said me likey :)
apparently F wants me to report all the changes and sure, I will but it may take a while since Obama wont become president for another two months. but once he does I'm sure the grass will become greener and the sun will shine brighter.
just kidding.


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