Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm sooo sick of all the girl drama!
what's with people? are we 12 again? if someone is pissed they should just say so and why instead of being all pissy about it. what - we can't have different plans for the weekend and still be friends? noooo. I get that now. wish someone would have told me before.
and now it will bug me the rest of the day. thank you very much for that.
I'm annoyed. can you tell?
can't wait to go home and get away from this.

let move on to soemething good.
in about a week I'll get my papers from Au Pair In America and I'll know what date I'll come home. I talked to my councellor and she said the likely dates are October 19th or April 2nd.
the agency only pays for the flight from NY - little bit strange, I know - so my optionas are to pay 320 $ to fly from Seattle to Copenhagen or 200 $ from Seattle to NY to Copenhagen. I would have gone with the seecond option since I need the money for shipping stuff home. but thanks to my great parents, who are paying for it, I can do the first, and waay less stressfull, option number one.

let you know when I have the dates :)

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