Thursday, June 05, 2008

today has been a day that started out on the shitty side.
grouchy kids in the morning made me feel like the worst au pair ever, like I don't know what I'm doing here and that I'm not doing anything right.
when it was lunch time I was still annoyed from yesterday when I had to eat rice for dinner (again). I'm so sick of it! I want potaoes! I love potatoes! gimme gimme gimme (potatoes)!
all we eat is rice rice rice. I hate rice! it's always the same. potatoes are good. they come in different types and shapes. wonderful German yellow ones. mashed ones. big ones in the oven. chopped up ones in the oven. new potatoes. potatoes with the special chicken sauce my dad makes. potatoes and salmon with the special salmon sauce. potatoes with the brown sauce my grandmother makes. chopped up oven potatoes with tsatziki outside on the patio in the summer. I love potatoes!
anyway. I did some laundry and M called to say she was taking the kids home. boy did that make me feel useful. not. I can't even drive the kids home today. what am I here for?
but then they came home and I helped B pack for her camp. that girl can pack. she's staying over one night and packed three t-shirts, three long sleeved shirts, three pairs of pants, two pairs of socks and two pairs of underwear. for two days and one night. I would probably have done the same a few years ago, but I've learned not to pack too much these last years when I've been living out of my backpack.
while we were packing M had made tea for us and B went into the kitchen and forbade me to enter. turns out she was setting the table for tea time. so sweet. she had put our tea cups on a tray and put some chocolate chip cookies on a plate on the tray and while we were having tea time she taught me the correct way to drink tea. apparently I've been doing it wrong all these years. if only I'd known.
after tea time with B I didn't feel like such a shitty au pair and K just came in here to show me that he dressed up Teddy in a t-shirt, K's underwear, B's watch and a bracelet to top it of.

if only the weather could get better and I could get some potatoes (I need them and I want them) everything would be ok.

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