Sunday, February 24, 2008

this sucks!!
I can usually sleep anywhere anytime, although if I’m not in my bed I prefer grandma’s couch or a train.

but for some reason I can’t sleep tonight. I was a bit nauseous before, which could be a reason. except that’s gone now. I’ve already cleaned my room and I’m seriously considering to clean the bathroom. the reason this sucks really much is that I’m supposed to work today. my clock is supposed to wake me up in an hour. I've reset it to 06.50 which is when I need to get up to call in sick. if I were fall asleep that is (which I doubt) I I will not be able to work for ten hours on no sleep. that is a fact. no matter how bad it will make me feel I see no other option. I hate it. but at some point today I will crash and burn, and I'd hate to do that in the middle of giving someone their meds.
and now I'm hungry.

I’ll say it again: this sucks!

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