Sunday, December 16, 2007

I was originally going to write about how I felt that the teachers at Ringsjö had lost the magic. the thrill of teaching. educating the brilliant young minds of our future. yada yada yada.
since then I've come to realize that these minds are not so much brilliant as diabolical.

this past week has been one of the worst in my life. the kids ignored everything I said and, among other things, buildt a fort out of the benches in the classroom. I couldn't even throw them out because they didn't listen to a thing I said. I've never felt so powerless before and I'm seriously questioning my capability to be a teacher. I know part of it is my own fault. I need to have more authority when I'm in the classroom.

maybe I will find some of the confidence I need in the US. I really hope so otherwise I'll be in for a rough ride.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Skitungar som testar vikarier... det är ju en helt annan sak att ha sin egen klass som lärare. Respekt tar tid att bygga upp och är en omöjlig uppgift om man kastas in för en dag eller en timme. Särskilt om man har med skitungar att göra. Låt inte det bli ett kvitto på dina förmågor som lärare!