Friday, August 10, 2007

I’ve been thinking quite a lot about the school thing.
let’s face it. it’s soon time for me to make a decision: will I go back or not? after a lot of contemplating (and I do mean a lot!) I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not quite ready yet.

here's how I see it: as a teacher you should know a thing or two about life and the students should be able to ask advice from someone with a wee bit of wisdom and knowledge (still not talking about Buffy trivia). and I don’t have it!
I guess we all grow up at different paces and I suppose I’m a slow grower. I might be mature enough to work at an old folks home but I’m definitely not ready to help raise the future citizens of our world. and trying to guide them when I don’t know where to go. not such a good idea. sure, I’ve got three more years until I’m finished but I don’t think that’s enough time for me. I'm going to wait at least one more year ‘til I go back, maybe even two.

I do know I want to be a teacher one day. I just need to know who I am before I can try to help other people to find their way. I’m still a bit lost, but not in a identity-crisis-panicky sort of way (thank God) but more in the sort of way where I know where I’m headed and I just need to find the right path.

if that makes any sense…

1 comment:

Sara said...

it makes perfect sense, honey. you got my support, whenever you need me.

love ya.