Monday, August 10, 2009

I’ve been home for almost two weeks now and as much as I like being back, it just doesn’t feel like home anymore. part of it could be the fact that I don’t have my own room anymore ~ I have my bed and dresser in the TV room upstairs ~

part of it is because I miss the kiddos like crazy, I thought I would enjoy the peace – but peace is pretty boring when you have too much of it.
they were so cute when I left. Kyle admitted that he would miss me and gave me a hug (getting that from a ten year old boy is like winning a medal in the Olympics). Bridget hugged me tight and told me to pay the car and stay with her instead.
need I say that it felt like crap leaving them? I truly hope I’ll stay in contact with them and will visit in a few years even though, as Bridget pointed out, they’ll be big by then.

and then there’s the part of me that misses Seattle and everybody there, I really thought I was done with it. you know, accepting the fact that I can’t be there and putting it behind me yada yada yada.
I thought I was over it but now it’s back again. I talked with Aimee yesterday, she’s back in Redmond after her vacation and hearing what’s going on with her and the group was great. she did tell me something which started the whole thought cycle over again. apparently Aimee and Tania had asked the boy how he was so ok hanging out with me when he knew I was leaving so soon and he told them: if you see a beautiful flower, then you will still pick it and watch it even though you know it will soon go away.

that just made me smile and the fact that he would tell them that made me quite gooey. he is so good with words and it really made me miss the whole group which in turn made my heart hurt a bit.
and since I don’t want to be one of those girls who bore her friends with confusing details about boys this will be the last you hear about it. I’ll mull it over it in my head until I’m over it and hope that one day I will find an equally sweet boy who’s hopefully as good with words.
I have one important criterion though: he needs to live on the same continent as me.

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