sounds confusing? it's not.
last Thursday I decided to take the kids to the Children's Museum in Everett which I did and we had a blast. on the way out from the parkinglot I spot a pay-thingy (not sure what they're called - it's a metal box where you pay for parking - also I'm in pain right now and that's distracting me) and I'm thinking to myself "shit I didn't see that before, hope they didn't catch me" after I get out of Everett and on the I-5 I see something yellow on my windshield and yet again I go "shit, looks like they caught me after all".
the next half hour was a very nervous one, I can promise you that. when we finally reach McDonalds (K&B were craving desert) I look at the dreaded yellow envelope and realize that it could have been so much worse.
but that doesn't keep me from being annoyed...

just now I was stuck on the floor. like a bug on it's back. I could not move or get up.
last night around 7 pm my back started to ache. in the area of my shoulder blade. no biggie, maybe I had spent to much time with my jigsaw puzzle which happes at time. when I got home from Maria's house at 00.10 am it still hurt and I was starting to wonder what the heck was going on back there.
this morning nothing had changed and I realized that the right side of my upper body including my arm is, almost, completely useless since it hurts like *piiiip* every time I use or move it in a weird angle. typing on my computer is fine but that's pretty much the extent of what doesn't hurt.
I tried one of the oldest tricks in the book: lying down on my back, legs on a chair in 90°. it felt ok but no major pain reliever, so I decide to get up. only now I'm stuck. I can't move because of the pain. so I lay there on the floor trying to find a way up that wont hurt. and this takes me twenty minutes. twenty very frustrating painful minutes.
my host parents told me to take painkillers and any sane person would do that. but I'm not one of those people.
the way I see it is that if something hurts when you move it's better to feel the pain since it's your body's way of telling you that something is wrong and that you should take it easy. if you take painkillers you wont feel pain (duh) but you might end up doing something to make it worse.
sounds insane I know but remember my back really really aches and I have yet to find a position that feels confortable, maybe I'll take the kids on a field trip tomorrow to someone who can help me fix my back...
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