but since I have all this time I've decided to use it wisely and do all the things I want to do.
like start drawing again ~ before the semester is over I should be able to draw a decent eye ~
I have a whole bunch (does eleven count as a bunch?) I have yet to read ~ among them Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger who wrote The Time Traveler's Wife (I know I'm constantly yapping about that novel but it's amazing and I'm completely in love with Henry)
a fair amount of time will also be set aside to study (maybe not forty hours a week, but who does that really?) since I refuse to ever take another test knowing beforehand I will fail unless there is a miracle of some kind.
I really like my classes, the history of the English language fascinates me to no end and it's pretty cool discovering why it's English and not French or Latin which is the lingua franca (and I get to learn fancy word like those :)
the grammar classes are really terrifying but in a good way, if that makes any sense. there is only about twenty of us in the group so you can't really hide (sucks to be me) and Alexander, the teacher, makes sure everybody gets to speak and try to take out clause elements. what I love about his teaching style is that he really wants us to understand it, even if it means he has to explain something five times. when I messed up I didn't feel half as bad as I could've (I did still feel like an idiot though, and I'll make sure I'm really prepared next time).
and the man has a wicked sense of humor, it's really dry and sarcastic. his comment on the sentence "Mary's boy child Jesus Christ was born on Christmas day" was that whoever wrote it was drunk or high or had been eating funny-mushrooms. I guess from a grammatical perspective the first part of it is insane, a normal person would never say anything like that, but his reaction still cracks me up.
the boy is moving in tomorrow so I guess the days when I could leave my dishes until I run out of utensils are over. it might come as a big shock to some of you but I'm really not that anal, a tleast not when it comes to my own messes. if he were to leave his dishes out for that long I'd be grossed out. I have issues I know, the next few weeks will be interesting that's for sure. it will be fine especially since I'll still be comfy enough to walk around in my pjs in the mornings. it's the small things that count :)
one thing that has nothing to do with the rest of this, except that it's on my mind, is my bruises. just yesterday I found a bruise on my calf, the size of a small egg and I can't for the life of me remember when I got it. it's already starting to fade, but my point is that I just found it and getting a bruise of that size should be memorable, shouldn't it? then again I am a klutz and I have a tendency to walk in to stuff so it's not surprising I'm always covered in bruises.
wow, this was long and about absolutely nothing about importance. but this is the main stuff which is swirling around in my head at the moment and since this is my space to write about the things in my life, well there you have it.
oh, and I bought a lovely bag which I'll get tomorrow (there is no such thing as too many bags, or shoes for that matter :)