Sunday, January 27, 2008
but Sundays are good days.
Sundays are Post Secret days.
Sundays are days when it’s ok to sleep in, even if you don’t work the rest of the week.
Sundays are days when it’s ok to do nothing.
and that I love.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Heath Ledger is dead. and I'm sad. it's ridiculous I know. I've only seen a few of his movies and he hasn’t affected my life very much. (remember how much we laughed when he did that stupid singing scene in 10 things I hate about you F?) but still. it’s sad when someone that young dies. someone who had a shot at something great. a two year old daughter and a growing career. it makes me sad that he will miss all these things. it also serves as a reminder of how fragile life is and that we only have one shot at it (depending on your religious status). it makes me determined not to miss any of it. whatever life throws at me I’m game.
on imdb these past three days the Quote of the day has been characters he played. I guess that’s one way of remember and honour him.
I wonder how long they will keep that going.
Friday, January 18, 2008
looks like I’m really going.
the freak-out is scheduled to arrive by the beginning of next week.
I’m really happy with the family, when I spoke with them they were so nice I completely forgot how nervous I was. which is a good thing.
I wanted to thank you guys for the support and for writing the great character references, I had no idea I was such a nice person :) (I’ll probably print them and carry them around in the US like a security blanket)
next thing to do is my favourite among preparations. list writing. I could even write a list of lists I need to write. yay. I’m such a nerd. it’s a character flaw.
on March 25 I’ll arrive in New York for the Orientation and on the 28th I’ll meet the family for the first time.
two important and also scary dates to remember.
Monday, January 14, 2008
ok it's not actually my forest, but it’s mine in the sense that I grew up in it. I sat on the small mountain and killed ants ~ in my defence they were biting me first ~ I watched a friend slip and fall into the river. I ran around and saw the forest in ways that only children are allowed to. there could be castles and horses or a nice cave to hide out from evil monsters, the only restriction was our imagination.
I still like to go for walks in the very same forest. only difference is that I don’t see the wonderland it was, I saw a new one. a peaceful beautiful place. just for me and my thoughts. but not anymore. now I see trash lying about and trees chopped down so they can build houses. and it makes me sad and a bit angry. where will the kids in those new houses play and find treasures? where will I go for walks? can’t people throw their shit in garbage cans? can’t they build new houses somewhere else?
can’t they leave my forest alone?
Friday, January 11, 2008
I’m currently terrified. just so you know.
I know I have no reason to be, I should be happy, but that’s not going to happen right now.
I’m scared that when (if) a potential host family calls I will do the nervous babbling thing I tend to do, or maybe I’ll do the opposite and close up like a clam. and the family will realize what a spaz I can be and fear that I might damage their children. help.
anyone who wants to do a test interview with me to help me calm my nerves?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
You have been accepted onto the Au Pair In America programme.
A full acceptance pack has been sent to you in the mail and below is a reminder of your login details for the Au Pair in America website, where you will be able to access lots of useful information on matching with a host family and can learn more about life in the US.
Email Address:
Password: **********
Please feel free to contact us with any questions and we hope to find you a great host family soon.
Kind regards,
Au Pair in America
Friday, January 04, 2008
the whole world wrapped up in a cold, beautiful blanket. it’s magical. when the sun shines and there’s a thick layer of snow just waiting for someone (me) to mess it up.
making snow angels.
racing down a hill on a sled.
skating on the frozen lake.
being icy cold on the outside but warm with snow joy on the inside.
those days are the best.