and unlike Cordelia in the Buffy episode - I like it. it makes me feel like it’s more real. like I’m really part of the “crew”.
don’t get me wrong. I’m starting to fall for the people who lives at my work and there are a lot of fun conversations with them. I also like the other people working there. it’s just that when you have a weird schedule, when will you have time for all the other things in your life? not that I have that much of a life, but when I get one it would be nice to have time and energy for it =)
to tell you the truth I already miss the little brats, knowing that even if one lesson is shitty the next one probably won’t stink as much. I miss discussing school issues – hats vs. no hats, grades, parent/child issues, what the new government will mean for the teaching business, and the latest thing – are teachers allowed to confiscate the students cellphones, mp3s/iPods and other items which can disturb the lesson, such as knifes? (it’s ridiculous – if one of the students had a knife of course you can take it. do we need a new law for that?)
I miss having these discussions, being around the English language and other persons who loves it as much as I do. ~ it sounds insane, but come to think about it, it is quite possible that the English language is the love of my life. just a thought. don’t read to much into it ~
anyways what I don’t miss is studying. maybe that is/was the problem. all I’ve ever done is going to school. trying to be a good student (and failing miserably when I wasn’t interested in the subject) I’m tired of going to school, not of being there, the environment. I like to read essays and correct them.
I just don’t want to write the papers myself.